About and Contact


I am a photographer based in the San Francisco Bay Area who enjoys shooting portraits and cosplays. I've been taking cosplay photos in the Bay Area since 2014! Outside of photography, I enjoy going to new places, trying new restaurants, making dumb memes, and playing games like Genshin Impact.

Random Facts

Contact / Social Media

E-mail: moshi at milktea dot io

Flickr: flickr.com/moshimoshi

Instagram: instagram.com/moshitea

Twitter: twitter.com/milktea

Studio Twitter: twitter.com/moshiteaphotos

Other platforms I'm found on sometimes

Twitch: twitch.tv/moshitea

Flickr (Non-portraits): flickr.com/thepianistalex

HoYoLAB: Moshitea @ HoYoLAB

My other sites

Store: prints.milktea.io

Travel: travel.milktea.io

Milk tea shop: Moshitea * the M in Milktea stands for mmmmmmmmmmmtea